Apologies and Procrastination

Hello to all of my millions of subscribers (3 I think), I just wanted to apologize for how long this post has taken to be read beside your morning cup of coffee. I’m sure it really ruined your day not seeing my posts every morning. I can only imagine how miserable life would be without a touch of Ben in it.

By now, I imagine you probably all know about my incredible ability to procrastinate. It’s truly amazing how talented I am at it, I’m gonna win the Procrastination Olympics once I get off this couch. It’s a really big deal and the deadline is soon, good thing there’s still time though.

I created every reason one could imagine to not write a new post; the excuses included but were not limited to; because I was busy with classes, then searching for a job (found one, don’t know what I was thinking there), then reading (not as much as I had planned, I got busy ok! Emily would roll her eyes at this point) and after that a vacation.

When I first started with this blog I thought “You know, Ben, you actually stand a chance of not slacking this time.” And then after two very well done posts, I slacked for several months. It became this whole thing of “let’s see how long my procrastination will survive.” I was at the point where it was the backup dancer for Jesus’ performance of I Will Survive.

So just to put an end to the rambling, which I’m sure is exhausting. Who am I kidding, I’m never exhausting (there should be like an Emily commentary edition of my blogs). I’m sorry about how long it’s taken to write this post. I will work to make sure that I don’t disappoint my screaming fangirls by taking forever again.

I’ve been looking to actually start writing a story only for this blog to maybe gain some interest in my stories. Chances are good I’ll procrastinate for that too. So no promises.

Anyways, so I’m gonna work very hard to not procrastinate anymore. As always, I really really would love to hear from all my fans (again, 3). If you have anything you want to say, like berate me for my lateness just go ahead and leave that in the comments.



P.S. My three followers include Emily, a friend, and a chef that likes to go on and on (TheRantingChef).

P.P.S. You can just YouTube “Jesus singing I Will Survive” to see what I was talking about.


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